If you intend to save money but always found it difficult to run it?
Do you think you have enough income, but was never able to save on a regular basis?
Have you tried to set aside some money for savings, but eventually abandoned funds and savings intentions was to fail?

Routinely save the challenge for everyone. Many people who have substantial income but difficult to set aside money for savings. While there are people who earn relatively small but able to set aside some money for savings.
Here is a simple way for you to get used to saving money:
As soon as you receive savings income
Once you pay, receive commissions, fees or receive any form of your income, immediately set aside some for savings. This way you avoid the delay and be sure to save as a priority.
Separate accounts with a savings account spending
In order to run effectively and save money you can monitor its development, separate expenditure account to a savings account. Your savings account can be created in the same bank that does not have to pay a transfer fee for the save. I also suggest to not make an ATM card for your savings account. Thus,
the money that has been entered as the savings will not be easily
retrieved, so you avoid temptation and spend the money that has been
hard-earned savings. Do not combine a savings account with a
spending account because it will result in confusion how much you've
saved and how much should be spent.
Determine the amount of money you want to tube
Based on your current income, determine the fair value of the savings that you can do. As a guide to the 10% figure is the minimum which means that you set aside some for savings. If you are still single and have no other significant expenses. This percentage figure can be increased up to 30% or even 40% of salary. With the remaining 60% you will still be able to finance the needs of regular and a bit of fun with your income. In personal financial planning, create a budget for regular savings and do this in an orderly manner.
Think of savings as an expense and forget
Once you determine the amount
of money you want to save every month, then consider this amount as an
expenditure required each month and after soon forget once you do it. Mentally assume the savings as an expense when you will be able to do with the orderly and regular as a liability. Forgetting
that you have saved will prevent you think that there are excess funds
in the savings that can be used for various purposes.
Set your budget and any excess tubing at the end of the month
If you applied the preparation of monthly budget, then check at the end of your budget. If there are excess funds, then the excess is stored as an additional saving the current month.
Gradually increase the percentage of money will you save
Once you get used to the
pattern of regular saving, then you can raise the percentage of income
saved for example from 10% to 20%, 30% and so on. This method will further increase the amount that people save and make you more efficient.
Do not ever rely on saving money "if there is residual"
If you rely on money from the income remaining after use for various purposes for savings, it's likely there will be no rest. If anything, is usually the amount is very small and not worth your income.
Thus saving a few easy ways that I can share with you. Errors in saving a lot of people are relying on the rest of the remaining funds to then be saved if it remains. Believe
me, if you do it that way, there will never be the rest of the
remaining money can be saved and you will never start saving.
The temptation to use and
spend money so large that it needs a strong determination by way of
saving money up front, as soon as you earn money.
Welcome saving for future needs.
You've got other tips in saving money? Please give us your opinion.
Solikan (World Education – khan35.blogspot.com)
tags: Cara Mudah Menabung,
Menabung, Perencanaan Keuangan, Tips Menabung.
Referensi : dari berbagai sumber
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