Selasa, 07 Februari 2012




Oleh : Solikan,S.Pd
World Education –
Tag : Puasa Senin Kamis, Fasting on Mondays and Thursdays

UNDER the opinion of some health experts, fasting can provide numerous benefits for those who carry it out, among them for peace of mind, overcome stress, increase endurance, and maintain the health and beauty. Fasting is beneficial to peace of mind other than to avoid stress, it can also nourish the body and can help cure various diseases.

In addition, fasting can make young or delay the aging process. So that the physical condition is always healthy and fit, the organs of the body should get a chance to rest. This can be done with fasting.
Fasting for Muslims is one of the Five Pillars of Islam and is one of the compulsory worship during the month of Ramadan. For Muslims, fasting is one of worship to be done. There must be done fasting during Ramadan, but there is also a sunnah fasts as fasting of David, Arafat fasting, fasting Monday-Thursday, and other sunnah fasting.
Some experts from the countries of West and East have been researched and proven the benefits of fasting. Three experts from non-Muslim Westerners have expressed their opinion about the benefits of fasting.
The third person is an expert Allan Cott, MD, an expert from the United States, Dr. Yuri Nikolayev Director of the diet on the Moscow Psychiatric Hospital, and Alvenia M. Fulton, Director of the Institute for Healthy Food "Fultonia" in America.
Allan Cott, MD, has brought together the results of observation and research scientists many countries, and then compiled into a book Why Fast that had reprinted 17 times within eight years. In the book, Allan Cott, MD reveal a variety of lessons fasting, among others:
a. To feel better physically and Mentally (feel better physically and mentally).
b. To look and feel younger (look and feel younger).
c. To clean out the body (body cleanse)
d. To lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels (lower blood pressure and lipid levels.
e. To get more out of sex (more in control of sex).
f. To let the body health Itself (makes a healthy body by itself).
g. To relieve tension (stress relaxes).
h. To the senses sharp (sharpen sensory function).
i. To gain control of oneself (gain the ability to control himself).
j. To slow the aging process (slow down the aging process).
Meanwhile, Dr. Yuri Nikolayev assess the ability to fast which resulted in the person concerned to be young, as a discovery (science), the largest of this century. He said: what do you think is the most Important discovery in our time? The radioactive watches? Exocet bombs? In my opinion the bigest discovery of our time is the ability to make-onself younger phisically, Mentally and spiritually through fasting rational. (In your opinion, is the most important discoveries in this century? Jam radioactive? Bomb exoset? In my opinion, the greatest invention in the This century is the ability of someone to make him stay young physically, mentally, and spiritually, through fasting is rational).
Alvenia M. Fulton, Director of the Institute for Healthy Food "Fultonia" in the United States said that fasting is the best way to beautify and enhance the natural woman. Fasting produces softness and charm charm. Fasting normalize the functions of femininity and beauty of body reshaping (fasting is the best ladies Beautifier, it brings charm and grace poice, it normalizes female functions and reshapes the body contour).
Fasting has many lessons and benefits for health, peace of soul, and beauty. When fasting, the organs of the body can rest and billions of cells in the body can raise themselves to survive. Fasting serves as a detoxification to remove waste, toxins / poisons from the body, rejuvenate the body's cells and replace cells that have been damaged with new ones and to improve the function of hormones, making the skin healthier and increase endurance because humans have the ability natural therapy.
It can make your skin fresh, healthy, soft, and radiant. Because, every time the body has energy metabolism, namely the events of changes in the energy contained in the nutrients into the potential energy in the body. The rest will be stored in the body, kidney cells, skin cells, and eyelids as well as fat and glycogen.
Humans have a reserve of energy called glycogen. Energy reserves can last for 25 hours. This nutrient reserves which at times will be burned into energy, if the body does not get food supplies from outside.
When fasting, the energy reserves stored in body organs removed so that the relief of respiratory organs as well as storage cells. This event is called cell rejuvenation.
By rejuvenating the body's cells, it is useful to enhance immunity and health of our body and skin. Therefore, people who often fasted skin will look fresh, healthy, soft, and radiant as the rejuvenation of cells in the body running properly.
Foods and beverages that we consume every day, in addition to containing nutrients that are useful for our body, also contain toxic materials or poisons in the body and then buried. Toxic or toxic materials present in our body, if it is too much can cause problems in the body, among others, the body becomes tired easily, decreased immune system, so easy to hurt.
With fasting, the body will use up energy. Use of this stored energy causing toxins spilled and cleaned up the body's cells. In addition, at the expense of digestion occurs also toxic because the means of digestive rest so it can clean up, also including the colon which is the center of the dirt.
Fasting is beneficial for detoxification or in addition to spending the whole toxin, is also beneficial to add zing. This is due to the toxins that exist in cells and tissues have been cleaned, so that the organs of the body becomes cleaner and incoming nutrients more easily absorbed.
Fasting can help to improve absorption of nutrients from the diet because of the gastrointestinal tract, before the food is absorbed must first undergo a process of change from a solid form into components that are very subtle. At the time of fasting, the digestive tract to rest for several hours. With diistirahatkannya digestive tract would be better to process and absorb food consumed, so it will be more powerful, healthy and strong.
Always create conditions so that healthy, fit and beautiful time of fasting, you should break the fast at dawn and always eat healthy foods that meet the diet element four of five perfectly healthy and nutritionally complete. In that way, of course, can support the fast that we do. (Surtiningsih, columnist / analyst healthcare)
Reference: from various sources

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